GroupGSA delivers social housing for the future

Words by Lisa-Maree Carrigan

GroupGSA has delivered an affordable housing and retirement living hybrid model that successfully addresses urgent housing needs.

In western Sydney, GroupGSA has pioneered a new experiment by Anglicare to successful combine affordable build-to-sell apartments with social housing.

The developments are on three sites: Mount Druitt, Fairfield and Liverpool, are a groundbreaking Australian-first. The social housing components are designed specifically for women aged over 55, who are expected to be the fastest-growing age group to experience homelessness.

Anglicare has tackled this worrying statistic by integrating social housing developments that blend retirement with affordable and supportive housing.

“GroupGSA implemented this understanding into their design, with every decision considering ways to foster connections between people, from the design of communal spaces to the movement of people throughout the buildings. In doing so, they helped to create not just a building, but a home.”

To read the full article in Indesign Live click here


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Lisa-Maree Carrigan Author

Lisa-Maree, a Director and multi-award-winning architect, is a design and thought leader with a global perspective. Her extensive industry knowledge from working in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Australia underpins her purposeful, visionary design excellence.

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