Leading the way to narrow the gender pay gap in our industry

Words by Nancy Piazzolla
gender pay equity graph

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency released its first official report in March detailing the gender pay gap between 2022-2023. The information is based on companies with more than 100 employees and then benchmarked by industry.  The Minister for Women, Senator Katy Gallagher, said the publication of employer gender pay gaps is pivotal for gender equality in Australia.

“The release of employer gender pay gaps marks a historic step towards transparency and accountability in addressing gender inequality,” Minister Gallagher said. “The gender pay gap is a persistent and complex problem that costs the Australian economy $51.8 billion annually.”

We are proud to share we are leading the way in our industry with a gender pay gap of only 5.6%.

This is significantly lower than the industry average of 24.8%.*

*Based on the Median base salary gender pay gap for the Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (M) category

We embrace diversity within our industry and foster an inclusive environment that values and empowers individuals, regardless of gender. It’s not only a commitment; it’s a celebration of progress.

Nancy Piazzolla, Director of People Place Practice, has been passionate about pay equity for over 10 years.  Within our business and the industry, we continue to advocate for gender equality and support the transparency around the data published by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency. The chart below highlights more data about how we compare to the industry.

Gender pay gap more stats using WGEA Data Explorer

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency is an Australian Government statutory agency charged with promoting and improving gender equality in Australian workplaces. They are responsible for administering the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Act).

Their vision is for women and men to be equally represented, valued and rewarded in the workplace. The Workplace Gender Equality Agency was formerly known as the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency.

Use this tool for more pay equity data

The WGEA Data Explorer allows users to explore the gender equality outcomes for industries, industry sub-divisions, groups of employers by size and individual employers. Use this tool to gain deeper insights into gender equality performance and outcomes and compare results across employers and industries.

Hear more from WGEA at The National Press Club

On 26 March 2024 , The Hon. Mary Wooldridge, Chief Executive Officer of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), addressed the National Press Club of Australia on “Accelerating gender equality in Australian workplaces”.


By actively promoting equal opportunities, continuing to champion our equal gender split, breaking down barriers, and providing equal pay, we contribute to the creation of a world where everyone can thrive, irrespective of gender.

Get in touch

Nancy Piazzolla Author

As the Director of People, Culture, and Practice, Nancy oversees our finance, IT, HR, and other operational departments. She is focused on driving continuous improvement and strategic innovation to ensure the smooth operation of the practice.

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