The Darlington Village is both a meeting place and a place of people movement. Streets are important urban spaces and are vital in our cities to provide places of informal gathering and meeting – enabling stronger social connectivity.
The revitalisation of Abercrombie Street has changed the street from a congested footpath thoroughfare to a pedestrian focussed environment which performs both as a village centre and an important pedestrian link between Redfern Station and the University of Sydney.
Our design improved the amenity of Darlington village through footpath widening, undergrounding power, new street tree planting, and increased seating. The streetscape works also include neighbourhood-wide traffic management, which reinforces a slow-speed environment with a pedestrian focus.
The result is a street environment that allows cafes and outdoor dining under a tree-shaded footpath. The shift in emphasis in our streets reinforces our urban environment as a living green network of streets, parks, and public plazas.