Start-up working environment fosters partnership, knowledge sharing and access to talent
Stone & Chalk is an independent, not-for-profit fintech incubator, whose sole focus is to foster and accelerate the development of world-leading fintech start-ups. It is a physical ‘centre of gravity’ for the local fintech eco-system that has, since its inception in late- 2015, grown to become Asia’s largest hub; Stone & Chalk is home to 95 fintech, cybersecurity, data science and internet-of-things start-ups (housing in excess of 300 residents).
GroupGSA delivered their Sydney hub which supports the business in attracting and building the growth of the highest quality fintech start-ups in Australia, from the full spectrum of the fintech landscape. The new environment fosters a culture of industry partnership, knowledge sharing, events and access to talent. The project is as much about maintaining, fostering and supporting the current fintech eco-system as it is about a physical space.