Victoria Health

  • Interior Design
  • Melbourne

Art creates connection. We gave it an opportunity to shine by creating spaces which engage and provide visual stimulation.

Creating a backdrop of murals, by eight different artists from Multi-Cultural Arts Victoria was an ingredient of our design which encourages mental well-being and harnesses creativity for VicHealth.

The Group
Client: Victoria Health
Studios: Melbourne, Australia
Key Facts:
  • 1200sqm

The fitout inhabits an exciting building with a rich history (the Sands & McDougall directory building) with an overall floor area of 1,225 sqm.

The budget of $1,350 / sqm all inclusive was maintain through the project with minimal cost management required.
Through our team’s enthusiasm for biophilic design and experience in the WELL rating tool and Green Star, there was a great opportunity to develop a workplace in line with these principals and achieve an exceptional outcome.
Designing for sensory comfort and inclusivity was critical to our team.

Key workplace drivers included:

  • a social environment
  • being technologically enabled
  • encouraging of free thinking
  • being designed to house new workplace post pandemic typologies
  • responding to the best possible, healthy indoor environment (natural light, plants, hydration points, movement, dog friendly)
  • and being designed responsibly with GroupGSA’s SOCIAL IMPACT framework

Get in touch

Simone Carter Associate Director

Simone is an Associate Director leading our Melbourne Interior Design and Workplace and Commercial team. Her national and global experience in the UK and the Middle East covers many sectors, including hospitality, luxury residential, commercial/workplace and health.
