Wylde Mountain Bike Park

  • Architecture
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Sydney

Explorers come in all sizes.

Celebrating a sense of adventure and curiosity, a bike trail within existing parkland invites riders to enjoy the surrounding preserved natural landscape, with bespoke features dedicated to BMX and mountain bikes. This is the new Wylde Mountain Bike Trail—emerging from the combined insight and passion our project team brought to our client, the Western Sydney Parklands Trust.

The Group
Client: Western Sydney Parklands Trust
Studios: Sydney, Australia
Key Facts:
  • Pump Track and Jump Runs
  • 12km MTB Loop
  • 1.8ha Entry Precinct
  • 95 ha MTB Trails area

The creation of the trail adds a new active precinct within the Western Sydney Parklands, focused specifically on BMX and mountain bike use. We have thoughtfully integrated bike rider facilities throughout the trail, including design include water bubblers, bathroom facilities, a bike wash down facility, pump tracks, jump runs and a 12km mountain bike course.

Bike rides for all levels are catered for, from beginner to advanced, and the site is planned to provide flexibility for daily use as well as intensive visitation, carparking and camping during major bike events.

Our project team collectively distilled options to bring together a park area incorporating high amenity for bike and non-bike users alike, with lookout structures, walling and picnic shelters. These are designed as simple and robust, yet refined elements integrating with the bushland park character and addressing the mountain bike culture and aesthetic.