Enmore Tafe

  • Architecture
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Sydney

The building is oriented to enclose the existing activity courtyard and to provide maximum interaction with Block F building.

The activity courtyard provides an outdoor learning environment and visually connects the TAFE campus with the adjacent park. A landscaped buffer separates the new building and the existing staff car-park. Classrooms have been provided with operable partitions and high ceilings for maximum flexibility of use.

The Group
Client: Department of Public Works, TAFE NSW
Studios: Sydney, Australia
Key Facts:
  • Enmore Design School
  • 860 sqm

A wide roof overhang shades the outdoor circulation area towards the North. Only high level windows have been provided at the Northern façade to minimise solar heat gain and let in indirect sunlight. Storage areas have been organised towards the Northern side of the building so as to minimise solar heat gain.

Glazing towards the Southern façade adjacent to the landscaped zone has been maximised for maximum daylighting, and cool air entry. The building envelope has been acoustically treated including the use of double glazing to minimise aircraft noise, as the campus is situated under a flight path.

Energy efficient lighting and appliances, and water efficient plumbing fixtures have been used in the building. Solar hot water heaters have been incorporated in the design.

Get in touch

Rajat Khanna Associate Director

As an Associate Director, Rajat has led the successful delivery of numerous complex projects, focusing on education and social infrastructure for public clients. Rajat has extensive experience on small to large projects in Australia and overseas, including the USA and India.

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