Clemton Park Village

  • Architecture
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Sydney

Clemton Park Village Stage 3 (CPV3) is the mixed use heart of the entire Clemton Park Masterplan.

The project is a synthesis of retail, community uses, carparking and residential, which are organised over seven storeys above ground and two basement levels.

The Group
Client: Fraser Property Group
Studios: Sydney, Australia
Key Facts:
  • 51,000 SQM
The Team:

The design for CPV3 includes substantial public realm works, with the creation of a public plaza activated by retail uses, that links through to the public green open space in the adjacent Stage 4 development. The provision of an internal street linking from Charlotte Street through to the public plaza provides visual connectivity and is activated by speciality retail which surrounds the mini major and the full line supermarket, which both address the internal street.

All street frontages are activated by either retail or residential uses which ‘sleeve’ the retail to provide visual detail around the more ‘big box’ uses inside. Residential lobbies are located straddling the retail, so as to provide uncompromised retail spaces and street addresses at ground level.

Get in touch

Lisa-Maree Carrigan Director

Lisa-Maree, a Director and multi-award-winning architect, is a design and thought leader with a global perspective. Her extensive industry knowledge from working in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Australia underpins her purposeful, visionary design excellence.

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