The Faculty of Arts and The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences- Ainsworth Building - public domain precincts have undergone significant upgrades to create a new generation academic environment which reflects the brand and identity of the university as a “campus in the park”. Both precincts respond to their local context, natural environment and significant level changes to create stimulating outdoor spaces that “knit” into the existing fabric.
The precincts occur at either end of Wally’s Walk, the main east/west pedestrian spine of the campus. Each precinct public domain reinforces the clear, legible campus framework, improving faculty address & connectivity.
The new Faculty of Medicine precinct focusses on a new building (the Ainsworth Building ) and public domain connecting with the existing Macquarie University Hospital and the Becton Dickinson (BD) Building to create the medical science hub.
The Faculty of Arts precinct sees the consolidation of 12 departments to create a cluster of Arts and Human Sciences in existing legacy buildings and a new building within a renewed public domain which includes a central courtyard, a covered atrium/pedestrian through link and rooftops areas for staff and student use. A sense of pride and showcasing what each faculty teaches is at the heart of our approach to the public domain. We understood that it was our role to enable people to interact with their work in public space to provide a sense of faculty identity and culture.