Queen Square Law Courts

  • Architecture
  • Interior Design
  • Sydney

GroupGSA and HASSELL have undertaken one of the most significant projects in Sydney with the refurbishment of the Queens Square Law Courts Building.

This 27 storey, 1970’s modern heritage building in Macquarie Street, houses the High Court of Australia, Federal Court of Australia, Supreme Court of NSW and their associated operational departments. Fundamental to the design is the implementation of the philosophy of an open, transparent court process, the collegiality of judicial staff and incorporation of new technologies.

The Group
Client: Law Courts Limited
Studios: Sydney, Australia
Key Facts:
  • 27,000SQM
The Team:

Design quality, the creation of spaces and the selection of materials befitting this important public institution, together with durability and longevity have been key drivers in the design process.

Get in touch

Lisa-Maree Carrigan Director

Lisa-Maree, a Director and multi-award-winning architect, is a design and thought leader with a global perspective. Her extensive industry knowledge from working in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Australia underpins her purposeful, visionary design excellence.

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