Rothschild Avenue, Rosebery

  • Urban Design
  • Architecture
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Sydney

This concept forms part of a Design Excellence Competition for Deicorp and the City of Sydney Council, located in the suburb of Rosebery.

The Group
Client: Deicorp
Studios: Sydney, Australia
Key Facts:
  • 179 Apts
  • 14,678sqm GFA
  • 13,163sqm NSA
  • 1.25:1 FSR
The Team:

The GroupGSA proposal draws reference to the heritage building of Mentmore House opposite, and it’s transplanted sandstone facade, with an articulated form that is developed through a play on the folding or unfolding of planes.

The heavy masonry base, as a further nod to Mentmore House and an adjacent heritage brick warehouse, acknowledges the predominant five storey street wall to both key frontages. Above sits a smaller scaled folder / origami box.

Two through site links frame the residential flat building’s Northern and Southern boundaries, with the Northern aspect having a more generous set-back and plaza termination to provide a moment along the street. Activation through ground floor retail will allow for a new F&B offering that will complement the ‘Rosebery Food District’.

Get in touch

Alister Eden Principal

Alister leads the Living Environments team as a Principal in Architecture and Urban Design. His passion for design and leadership throughout Australia and the UK underpin his unique design approach, demonstrated by his extensive architectural and urban planning portfolio of complex, successful, and innovative projects, many of which are award-winning.

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